Real Estate Economic News

January 22, 2010

What is a mortgage calculator?

An online mortgage calculator can quickly predict your mortgage payment and amortization schedule.
January 22, 2010

Claiming the Making Work Pay credit

Claiming the Making Work Pay credit requires more tax paperwork. Say hello to the new Schedule M.
January 22, 2010

Mortgage Rate Trend Index

Each week, surveys experts to gauge which way interest rates are headed on mortgages.
January 22, 2010

Mortgage rates move lower for 3rd week

While mortgage rates continue to drop, the cost of an FHA-insured mortgage is set to rise.
January 22, 2010

7 things to know about an FHA loan

An FHA loan may be the ticket for you. These tips will help you take advantage of one.
January 22, 2010

Refinance an uphill fight after job loss

A couple is unlikely to qualify for a refinance, which may not be a good option for them anyway.
January 22, 2010

Writing off a tax loss on a franchise

Before determining the amount of tax loss on a franchise, make sure to amortize.
January 22, 2010

Men marrying richer wives

Among the trends of the wealthy, there’s an economic battle of the sexes emerging.
January 22, 2010

FHA Raises Down Payments, Premiums Amid Mortgage Delinquencies

FHA Raises Down Payments, Premiums Amid Mortgage Delinquencies Jan. 20, 2010, Bloomberg News The Federal Housing Administration is raising insurance rates and tightening credit-score rules to […]
January 22, 2010

HUD Moves to Speed REO Sales

HUD Moves to Speed REO Sales DSNews HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan has announced a temporary policy that will expand access to Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage […]
January 22, 2010

Treasury Dept. says loan modification picture is improved

Here's relevant news for January 18, 2010. Treasury Dept. says loan modification picture is improved Jan. 16, 2010, Los Angeles Times After a month of intense […]
January 22, 2010

Bank Of America: Over 20,000 Mortgage Modifications Processed

Bank Of America: Over 20,000 Mortgage Modifications Processed The Wall Street Journal Bank of America Corp. (BAC) said it finished processing and underwriting more than 20,000 […]
January 22, 2010

2009 foreclosures hit record high

2009 foreclosures hit record high MarketWatch CHICAGO — The number of U.S. residential properties receiving at least one foreclosure filing jumped 21% in 2009 to a […]
January 22, 2010

Record Foreclosure Activity in 2009 Could Have Been Worse

A record 2.8 million U.S. properties received foreclosure notices in 2009, up 21 percent from 2008 and up 120 percent from 2007, according to the RealtyTrac […]
January 22, 2010

U.S. Subpoenas 15 FHA Lenders With High Mortgage Defaults

U.S. Subpoenas 15 FHA Lenders With High Mortgage Defaults Bloomberg The U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department said it subpoenaed 15 mortgage companies today to seek […]
January 22, 2010

What is the current national average in foreclosure rates?

What is the most recent national average foreclosure rating? Read More……(read more)
January 22, 2010

Miami-Dade County Selling Foreclosures Online

Miami-Dade County Selling Foreclosures Online Associated Press MIAMI — Miami-Dade County started auctioning foreclosures online Monday, allowing potential buyers to place bids from anywhere in the […]
January 22, 2010

Lenders in Florida are now seeing the positive side of opting out of foreclosures

Lenders in Florida are now seeing the positive side of opting out of foreclosures
January 22, 2010

Texas Short Sales Financial Information Required for Dallas Short Sales and Houston Short Sales

A lender is not simply going to take your word that you can no longer afford your home You must provide backup financial information to them […]
January 22, 2010

Miami Foreclosed Homes for Sale Put City 10th in Rate Chart

Miami foreclosed homes for sale put the area 10th in a ranking of metro areas in the nation based on foreclosure rates in 2009 More than […]
January 22, 2010

Foreclosure listings in Charlotte Easy way to become a homeowner

Foreclosure listings in Charlotte comprise of properties that cost lower but rich in equity Hence they ensure better future return on investment