Foreclosure Trustee Sales Increse In Sacramento California
So the Sacremento foreclosure numbers for April have recently been relased, and it only confirms what we in the real estate business have been saying for weeeks… Although much lower than last years numbers, the number of foreclosed homes rose in April for each of the four counties in the Sacramento region.
According to a monthly report released Tuesday by ForeclosureRadar, Sacramento County foreclosures sales (trustee sales) rose 21 percent in April to 867 properties. However, that figure is 48 percent lower than the same month last year. Foreclosures in Placer and Yolo counties are also significantly lower that the same time last year.
The most striking monthly change occurred in Placer County, where the 180 foreclosure sales represented a 73 percent increase over March figures.
Statewide, the report shows foreclosures show no definitive trend in 2009, jumping one month and falling the next.
The Notice of defaults are now slowing it seems and now there will be an increase in Bank owned properties as the homes that have been taken back hit the market over the next several weeks.