Time To Foreclose in Sacramento has stayed fairly stable- the Sacramento County Foreclosure Timeline has fluctuated from a low of 223 days to a high of 314 days- These are the average number of days the foreclosure process is taking in all of Sacramento County from the formal start of the foreclosure process; Notice of Default to the actual trustee sale.
How Long is the Foreclosure Process in Sacramento?
Foreclosure time lines in El Dorado County have been all over the board; The foreclosure process in El Dorado County has been fluctuating a bit more recently; from a low of 199 days to a high again of 314 days. Remember; these are the actual Foreclosure days- days the home is technically in foreclosure; which can start any time after 60 days of late payments but topically is not started for 5 to 10 months, depending on the bank. This is only the amount of time after the Notice Of Default is filed and before the Trustee Sale.
Foreclosure time frames and foreclosure time lines in Placer County have seen a more gradual increase. The actual Placer County time frames for foreclosure have been fluctuating from a low of 221 days and have gone as high as 335 Days.
All three counties in the Sacramento area are experiencing foreclosure time frames that are being extended from the banks far beyond the one hundred and eleven days that the law requires.
So what’s your situation?
More and more of the people I talk to who are trying to do a loan mod or are prospects for a short sale that I talk to are still current but have reached the end of their rope… many of them made substantial down payments and were counting of home equity for their retirement and are having a hard time facing the fact that they have to let their home go.
It seems that there are a lot of people now struggling who have never lost a job. But their spouse has, maybe they have seen reduced over-time, or a failed home-based business or at least a business that is no longer producing as much income… or spouses that are no longer works part time… People are finding their credit cards maxed . And no longer have the ability to tap their home equity to periodically to pay down credit cards or upgrade automobiles…
By the way; what Government programs can you qualify for?
Take action, find out more about your options and learn if you are eligible. If your situation is urgent, or you have further questions, feel free to Contact us Today At Forth Hoyt’s Sacramento Short Sale Center