Loan Modifications, When Succesful Will Provide Long Term, Sustainable Solutions

As a Certified Short Sale Agent, I specialize in helping homeowners weather the mortgage storm. Those of us who bought a home over the past five years or so, had no idea about the kind of economic upheaval that was going to follow. In fact, it appears that no one actually anticipated what was in store.
But here we are. An estimated one fourth of the mortgage holders in the country owe more on their home than its current market value. One out of seven are in some state of default or foreclosure. And possibly the most troubling statistic of all: the vast majority of homeowners who end up foreclosing on their home, do so without ever reaching out for help to try to mofify their loan or even attempt a short sale.
I am a Certified Short Sale Agent; my many Foreclosure Options and Home Retention designations include SFR, PFC, and I am a Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE), and Certified HAFA Specialist. So it is my personal mission to help as many homeowners as possible to stay in their home, or at least avoid foreclosure and get their lives on a positive path. If you or anyone you care about is faced with an unmanageable mortgage, please know that I am here to help. I invite you to visit my website at a copy of my most recent report.
More help is available for financially distressed homeowners than ever before. This is no time to go it alone, and the time to contact me about getting on path toward financial stability is NOW!