Below is a list of the typical lender required documentation to complete a short sale. A few Mortgage Companies have additional specific requirements and/or the same requirements that must be completed on their specific forms. This information must be gathered prior to listing the home for sale. Please note that due to the time involved in the short sale process, most lenders will require information such as bank statements, profit and loss statements etc. to be updated throughout the approval process.
1) letter of authorization giving us permission to speak with your lender on your behalf
2) Your most recent mortgage statement/s
3) A hardship letter explaining why you must do the short sale.
4) Financial Statement ~~~It is recommend filling this out in pencil first, because you are guaranteed to make changes.
5) Two (2) most recent pay stubs for all parties on the loan
6) Two (2) most recent Bank Statements all pages for all parties on the loan
7) Two (2) most recent Tax Returns. (if you have not filed yet for 2008, that is fine, just included 2006 & 2007 and proof of extension for 2008) All pages and schedules- Federal Return only
8) Listing agreement
9) Purchase contract~~ all pages and counters
10) Prelimenary Title Report
11) Estimated HUD Statement