Granite Bay Short Sale Statistics For January 2010
Short Sale Specialist Reports Granite Bay Sees Huge Increase in Pending Short Sales for January!
Just like Folsom, El Dorado Hills, Orangevale, Fair Oaks and nearly every other area in the Sacramento Metro Market, Short Sale Approvals or Short sales that have gone into pending status have increased dramatically in Granite Bay.
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Granite Bay Short Sale Processing Team at Sacramento Short Sale Center and
Still no Walk in the park, Short Sales processing at the servicer level have many fproblems to get resolved still, Hopefully the trend will continue and we will see even more improvements. Still,
Short Sale Processing is”File Specific”- No to are alike! It is also still so lender specific, investor specific and homeowner specific- there is still no clear-cut systematic, easy process but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel and it is obvious things must get better.
Granite Bay Short Sale Statgistics for January 2010: