Elk Grove Short Sale Statistics For January 2010
Elk Grove’s Active Short Sale inventoryhas stayed fairly stable over The last few months, and after a long declining trend of approvals and subsequent pending sales,
short sales in Elk Grove have seen a strong increase in
Short Sale Approvals (pending sales). We have a front row seat to watch the short sale process in Elk Grove change, grow and improve.
This gives Elk Grove’s struggling homeowners a light at the end of the tunnel and should encourage homeowners to use a short sale to avoid foreclosure.
Click here for
Sacramento Short sale help or
contact us to talk to an
Elk Grove short sale specialist.
Short Sales will continue to evolve, and as they do, Systems, guidelines and processing procedures will be more universal, more industry-wide . But right now, they are still very challenging and take a steady hand, a systematic approach and a diligent, tenacious team of negotiation experts to get a short sale successfully approved by servicers.
Contact Us to talk to an
Elk Grove short sale specialist.